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Health Services


Our clinic provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment for a wide range of cardiopulmonary diseases and conditions. Services are available for active duty, dependents and retirees, older than 18 years of age.

A referral is required from your primary care manager to schedule a Cardiology and/or Pulmonary appointment. All appointments and procedures are scheduled through both the Appointment Line and the Referral Management Center.



To embrace the continuity of care, the Cardiology Clinic provides cardiovascular care for routine appointments and follow-up treatments.
Procedures Offered
  • Currently, all Cardiology services unavailable until further notice.


Pulmonary clinic provides continuing care for routine and follow up appointments/treatments. Also, we offer patient education for new pulmonary medications such as metered dose inhalers (MDI), dry powder dose inhaler (DPI), etc. Please inquire at the front desk for patient education services.
Pulmonary Function Tests Offered
  • Spirometry Testing
  • Post Bronchodilator Study
  • Lung Diffusion Testing (DLCO)
  • Impulse Oscillatory
  • Body Plethysmography (Lung Volume)
  • Methacholine Challenge Testing
  • Arterial Blood Gas Sampling
  • 6 Minute Walk Test
  • Oxygen Desaturation Study


A referral from your primary care manager is required prior to obtaining an appointment at the clinic. Once a referral is placed, you may contact the appointment line at 888-999-1212 or 855-227-6331 to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us


Schedule Appointment or Procedure
888-999-1212 or 855-227-6331


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Hours subject to change in support of federal holidays, designated family days, and training days, held the second and fourth Thursday of each month


Third Floor
1060 West Perimeter Road
Joint Base Andrews, MD 20762

Additional Information


Questions for Pulmonary Services?

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!