The Banholzer Clinic is now on the third floor, next to Public Health. Take a left turn after coming off the elevator.

Getting Care

Visitor Guidelines

NOTE: Gate schedules and access may change periodically.  Visit for the most up-to-date Operating Conditions and Gate Hours.

Visitation Policy

In order to protect the health of staff and patients, the National Capital Region Market implemented a facility visitation policy on March 18, 2020. The policy restricts visitors to one parent/guardian for minors and one caregiver for elderly patients or those with a disability requiring assistance.  The local HPCON level and medical necessity may dictate processes that are more restrictive than shown below.

Who is considered a visitor or caregiver?

Visitor/Caregiver – relative, partner, or friend of the patient (or parent/guardian) who chooses to provide assistance with transportation, rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and/or cognitive needs of the patient.

All Outpatients

  1. Two parents may attend the initial newborn follow-up appointments and the two-week well baby appointment.  Exceptions are not approved for other well child visits
  2. One visitor may accompany a patient who will undergo a procedure that will require wound care assistance.
  3. One visitor may accompany a patient who will take an anxiolytic/sedative for a procedure or imaging study.
  4. One visitor may accompany a patient to Women’s Health clinic appointment if the patient is being seen for her initial “new OB’ visit or if she is being seen for care regarding a miscarriage.  Exceptions are not approved for other OB visits beyond the new OB visit.
  5. One visitor may accompany a patient who is undergoing a fetal ultrasound scan in Radiology.
  6. Children may accompany a visitor, who together with a patient, if childcare options are not available and the visitor is at least 18 years old and exercises control over children at all times.
  7. One visitor may accompany a patient to an optometry appointment.

Masking for Patients and Visitors

Mask if:
• Have a suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or other respiratory infection (e.g., runny nose, cough, sneeze); or
• Have had close contact with someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection for 10 days after their exposure: or
• Reside in a unit or area of the facility experiencing a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak; or
• Have otherwise had source control recommended by public health authorities.
• Patients (if tolerated) should also wear well-fitting source control while interacting with health care providers who have been brought back under contingency strategies.

Service Animal Access to Facilities

  1. Service animals may accompany patients and visitors in military treatment facilities as long as such access does not compromise public health and safety.
  2. It is the sole responsibility of owners or handlers to ensure their service animals receive adequate veterinary care and provide care and stewardship, to include feeding, watering, exercising, toileting, and waste removal.
  3. Dogs that are “in training” or whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, or companionship are not service animals under the ADA.
  4. Handler must present (or answer) animal verification upon request.
  5. Personal pets are not permitted in the facility.

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