The Banholzer Clinic is now on the third floor, next to Public Health. Take a left turn after coming off the elevator.

Getting Care

Finding Your Way

Finding your way in Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center is simple, thanks to a wayfinding system designed with our patients in mind.

  • Once you arrive, you are able to use the directories located near each elevator and directional signs posted throughout the facility. 
  • Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics is comprised of three levels.  All levels are accessible by stairs or elevators.
  • The location of clinics and departments are identified on each directory.  The directory will note the floor and direction of each clinic. 
  • The main elevators (located near the hospital information desk) provide direct access to the Outpatient Records/Patient Administration area and the Mental Health clinic.
  • 1R – Outpatient Records/Patient Administration
  • 2R – Mental Health Clinic 
View the Clinics Map to find your Department.

Contact Us


Hospital Information Desk

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!